

63 Responses to “3WW LXXXIV”

  1. Rose Dewy Knickers Says:

    Tired of being ignored
    So tired when he snored
    She said hit the highway
    He begged let it be byway
    Now their bed is empty
    But at least the remote is all hers



  2. Leonard Blumfeld Says:

    Here my contribution: In the middle of nowhere

  3. Red Says:


  4. Paul Says:

    Simon went off on a week’s deserved holiday last week but he’s back in Gendsouce now and facing a problem which has a somewhat surprising ending.

  5. Punky Says:

    I’m not a writer, nor a poet 🙂 Enjoy.

  6. jone Says:

    My first in this series has the three words.


  7. gautami tripathy Says:

    It sure feels good to be back!


  8. pjd Says:

    they still ignored me
    no cure for an empty life
    internet highway

    Happy Wednesday all, and the final day of National Poetry Month.


  9. Bun Bun Says:

    Another foray: Poem

  10. Iself Says:

    Ignored on poetry highway 🙂

  11. anthonynorth Says:

    Here’s mine – including a special message for everyone who’s been to Beyond the Blog:

    Bar At the End Of the Road

  12. Marcia (MeeAugraphie) Says:

    I compromised with my wayward manic Muse and stopped at two poems, but the fight was exhausting. Collectively I titled the two, Of Dust and Kryptonite

    Rose, there is always the remote, how true.

  13. Daily Panic Says:

    Empty- beer can
    Highway- expensive travel
    Ignored- time


  14. Myrtle Beached Whale Says:

    My comments are not coming up.

  15. Amarettogirl Says:

    Hello all,
    thank you for the words today -Not haveing a great day so

    Today I really NEEDED them to get through (and they were so appropo tpo my mood!!!
    My piece is entitled TODAY,


  16. Amarettogirl Says:

    Rose Dewy Knickers – that was great!!!!

  17. pri Says:

    here is my contribution 🙂


  18. pri Says:

    thanks for the prompt words…i felt they really helped me express myself 🙂

    take care…

  19. Tiel Aisha Ansari Says:


  20. texasblu Says:

    I’m new to 3WW – I’ve known about you but just now felt like I had time to participate – thanks for the prompt words!


  21. Linda - Nickers and Ink Says:

    Here’s mine:

    SOJOURNERS, at Nickers and Ink

    Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt.

  22. Linda - Nickers and Ink Says:

    Sorry . . . The comment did not see to load . . .

    SOJOURNERS, at Nickers and Ink

    Blessings all,

  23. watermaid Says:

    No longer ignored

    I’ll try to comment on as many as I can, but I’m getting ready to go away for 10 days. This is #30 for NaPoWriMo.

  24. paisley Says:

    been fighting with this bad boy since 4 am……

    predestinations paradox

  25. Tumblewords Says:

    Mine for this day. Thanks for the site. This makes 30 for NaPoWriMo.


  26. mariacristina Says:

    Here’s mine:

    nighttime enigmas

    I just got back from a week-long training, with no computer! Trying to get caught up on my reading.

  27. Linda Jacobs Says:

    These words just wrote themselves into a poem for me today. Thanks!

    <a href=”http://lindaspoetry.blogspot.com/2008/04/day-30-of-napowrimo-and-3ww.html”3 WW

  28. Linda Jacobs Says:

    Duh! Forgot the damn bracket thingie after the quotation marks.


  29. mariacristina Says:

    Rose, I just read your limmerick – classic dewy knickers 🙂

  30. leigh lear Says:

    here’s mine
    the things we didn’t say

  31. Just someone Says:

    My attempt:
    Going along…

  32. Tammy Says:

    A frustrating couple of weeks expressed here


  33. lucy Says:

    I hope this comment goes through this time


  34. TC Says:

    Looks like I have lots of reading to do tonight.

    Through the cracks

  35. Barbara (b) Says:

    I don’t know which came first, the chicken or the egg. But I do know that I wrote this post about our journey home before I saw your prompt. Although I am not sure if all the words are there, I think it is just plain fun. Serendipity!!! My favorite word.


  36. Barbara (b) Says:

    Here is the link. Clicked return instead of shift!! Sigh


  37. C. Elizabeth Says:

    I enjoyed this prompt. Thanks!

  38. Medhini Says:


    That was quick! Thank you for the words. They were wonderful…


  39. noahthegreat Says:


  40. Xinh Says:

    Here is mine.

  41. Christy Says:

    Hi all,

    just back after a life induced absence

    here is this weeks attempt


  42. ratanaong Says:

    Greetings! Happy Holiday. http://presentrat.wordpress.com/2008/05/01/3ww-empty-highway-ignored/

  43. Veens Says:

    Hello Everyone!

    Here is mine!

  44. Gemma Wiseman Says:

    Wow! I am way down the list! O well! I still love writing! Here is mine!

    Horse Sense


  45. bitchyangel Says:

    let me try…

    here’s mine


  46. Jane Doe Says:

    Here is my poem.

    On The Way Up North

  47. Elizabeth Says:


    Why wont my posts stick?

  48. lissa Says:

    here’s mine

  49. ThomG Says:

    Great words, Bone. How’s pops?


  50. san Says:

    heres mine.


  51. lucy Says:

    this is my 10th time trying to leave a comment :((

  52. OneMoreBeliever Says:

    ahh, another lovely week full of delicious words to tantalize our everyday sorta thoughts… geez, need to get a life!!!… gone_as1

  53. Laane Says:


    Great words… it’s so interswting each time to discover what comes in writing.

    Find it here:


    Enjoy your day.

  54. writerkat Says:


  55. tiptoewrites Says:

    Purple prose AWAAAY!

    highway scene

  56. Beloved Dreamer Says:

    heres mine.

    my poem


  57. Marianne Says:

    I have written a short poem tiltled Tumbled Signs over at


  58. sage Says:

    As usual, mine doesn’t go up until Friday!


  59. Delph Says:

    Love these words together! Thank you for the prompt!
    Here’s my try :
    and the permanent link : http://bibliobulledeunan71.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!FCA04381FC575AAC!341.entry?&_c02_owner=1
    Have a nice week end!

  60. Marianne Says:

    My short poem using your great words and titled Tumbled Signs, can be found at http://poet4kids.blogspot.com/

  61. Bone Says:

    The Highway

  62. The Nairobi-Mombasa Road - DrBacchus' Journal Says:

    […] Nairobi-Mombasa RoadFor Three Word WednesdayMay 12, 2008The highway stretchesfrom here to there,shimmering with the heatof a long season of […]

  63. Rich Bowen Says:


    The Nairobi-Mombasa Road

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